Friday, December 29, 2006

infrastructural attributes

Infrastrastructure’s potential lies in its capacity to modulate density, variation, and idiosyncrasy. By coordinating density, infrastructure moderates sprawl and counters urban disconnect. By incorporating variation, infrastructure maintains site-specific flexibility and evades monotony. Both density and variation feed into infrastructure’s third quality, idiosyncrasy, through which it connects to notions of place and counters normative junk-space tendencies, which to Rem Koolhaas, “represents a reverse typology of cumulative, approximative identity, less about kind than about quantity. But formlessness is still form, the formless also a typology . . .” (His definition continues for several pages.) It is important to note here that these three qualities--density, variation, and idiosyncrasy--can apply to infrastructural components as well as to the environments that they foster. In other words, infrastructure need not be conceptualized as an ossified system and can in fact behave dynamically in time and/or space.